Echinodorus 'Reni' (에키노도루스 '레니')
Echinodorus 'Reni' (에키노도루스 '레니') Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: Cultivar(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Medium(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Height: 15-30+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average or medium light demand of an aq..
2019.01.24 -
Echinodorus 'Ozelot Green' (에키노도루스 '오젤롯 그린')
Echinodorus 'Ozelot Green' (에키노도루스 '오젤롯 그린') Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: Cultivar(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Medium(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Height: 20-30+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average or medium light dem..
2019.01.24 -
Echinodorus 'Ozelot' (에키노도루스 '오젤롯')
Echinodorus 'Ozelot' (에키노도루스 '오젤롯') Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: Cultivar(country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Medium(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.Height: 20-30+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average or medium light demand of an ..
2019.01.24 -
Echinodorus cordifolius 'Fluitans' (에키노도루스 코르디폴리우스 '플루이탄스')
Echinodorus cordifolius 'Fluitans' (에키노도루스 코르디폴리우스 '플루이탄스') Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: North America(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Medium(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Height: 20-30+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average..
2019.01.24 -
Echinodorus bleheri (에키노도루스 블레헤리)
Echinodorus Bleheri (에키노도루스 블레헤리) Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: South America(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: High(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Height: 20-30+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average or medium light demand of a..
2019.01.24 -
Echinodorus 'Barthii' (에키노도루스 '바르티')
Echinodorus 'Barthii' (에키노도루스 '바르티') Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: Cultivar(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Medium(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Height: 20-30+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.Light demand: Low(The average or medium light demand of an..
2019.01.24 -
Cryptocoryne x willisii (크립토코리네 윌리시)
Cryptocoryne x willisii (크립토코리네 윌리시) Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: Asia(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Slow(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Height: 10-20+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average or medium light demand of an aqua..
2019.01.24 -
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica' (크립토코리네 웬디트 '트로피카')
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica' (크립토코리네 웬디트 '트로피카') Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: Asia(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Medium(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Heigh: 10-20+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average or medium light de..
2019.01.24 -
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'green' (크립토코리네 웬드티 '그린')
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'green'(크립토코리네 웬드티 '그린') Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: Asia(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Medium(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Height: 10-30+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average or medium light demand..
2019.01.24 -
Cryptocoryne usteriana (크립토코리네 우스테리아나)
Cryptocoryne usteriana (크립토코리네 우스테리아나) Plant informationType: RosulateOrigin: Asia(Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.)Growth rate: Slow(Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.)Height: 20-30+(Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.)Light demand: Low(The average or medium light demand of an aq..